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Tenha os prazos de estada e residência fiscal de estrangeiros no Brasil sob controle.

By keeping up with the constant changes in the job market, Atlantic is at the forefront of automation and development of digital tools for Global Mobility 4.0.

UControl is a software application that can make the lives of companies easier when it comes to counting days and controlling deadlines for foreign employees in projects in Brazil.


You can find all the necessary features to fully manage your expatriate employees.

Cost Management with forecast reports

UControl acaba com o controle manual de entradas e saídas, prazos fiscais e outras questões relativas ao processo de expatriação.

Feito Sob Medida

Ferramenta exclusiva de gerenciamento de prazos para controle prazos relacionados a estrangeiros no Brasil, como Residência Fiscal, Período de Estada, Validade de Vistos.

Soluções Integradas

Permite gerenciar e projetar custos fiscais reais, realizar uma programação segura de escalas e entregar diversas outras vantagens e facilidades para a equipe de RH.

Benefits and features:

Automate deadline control processes for international transfers and reduce errors and risks of penalties from the Brazilian Revenue Service.

Check-in and check-out from Brazil by expatriates themselves via app.

Email communications for new tax residents.

Monitor the period of stay in Brazil and visa and passport terms.

Full reports about terms close to expiring in 30 and 60 days.

Fully cloud based; does not require installation.

Stay in control of the entire expatriation process


For years, HR managers have reported many setbacks when it comes to the fiscal management process for expatriates. Even those working with major consultancies constantly complained about the difficulties with their relationship, not to mention problems with deadline controls and management. With that in mind, we co-created UControl with our clients. UControl is an exclusive deadline management tool to help you control all terms related to expatriates in Brazil, including Tax Residency, Period of Stay, and Visa Terms, allowing HR to make real fiscal expense forecasts, safely schedule scales, and leverage several other advantages. - 

Daniel Pires,

Co-founder of Atlantic T.A.

Customers and Projects

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Acabe agora com as dores de cabeça nos processos de expatriação.

Tenha uma demonstração de como o Ucontrol pode ajudar a sua empresa e seu time de colaboradores.

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