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Our solutions

For 14 years, we’ve been providing fiscal consultancy, in-company training, and digital solution for small, medium-sized, and large companies.

Preenchendo o formulário fiscal

Fiscal Consultancy

All expatriates must pay attention to what fiscal obligations they need to fulfill. This means it’s important that HR provides all information and guidance necessary for employees to remain risk-free during this process. Our team provides full advisory services to ensure compliance with the Brazilian tax system.

Income Tax Payment Management

If a tax resident lacks the means to pay the mandatory monthly income tax, either because he or she does not have a bank account in Brazil or because the employer lacks a Brazilian representative, Atlantic is capable of providing support for the payment process.


Global Mobility (HR Support)

We provide support to HR in key issues relayed to Global Mobility inside companies with at least five expatriates.


Providing control for the expatriation process. Our digital solutions provide a full view of all steps related to international corporate transfers. This means fewer risks and fewer surprises for your management.


Treinamentos in company

Training your mobility and HR teams so that they can handle the needs of your expatriate

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​Rua Ator Paulo Gustavo, 251, 3º andar, sala 20, Icaraí,Niterói –RJ

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